THANK YOU to everyone who has already completed their Hockey Hardware PledgeManager.
If you're a Backer who pledged for any physical or digital items on Kickstarter, please complete your PledgeManager ASAP. This information is needed to get your order ready and to move the project forward.
For Backers who pledged Bonus Support on Kickstarter without selecting any physical or digital items, you're welcome to take advantage of PledgeManager to Upgrade or Add-on to your pledge, if you wish. However, if you're satisfied with your pledge as you made it on Kickstarter, then you're all set. You do not have to complete PledgeManager.
PledgeManager FAQs
What is PledgeManager?
PledgeManager by Kicktraq is an industry leader in pledge management services since 2013. It integrates with Kickstarter, and it helps me as the project creator collect delivery addresses and reward preferences from Backers, coordinate shipping costs and any applicable taxes, and provides a platform to offer pledge upgrades, add-ons, and pre-orders.
As a Hockey Hardware Kickstarter Backer, what do I need to do on PledgeManager?
Once you click on your invitation link, you will need to re-confirm your Hockey Hardware Kickstarter pledge and select how you want to receive your order once it's ready.
If you select shipping for your items, you'll be asked to provide your mailing address and pay any applicable fees. Shipping is available to Backers in Canada and the USA.
Local pick-up is also available for Backers in Ottawa and Niagara (Canada). To select local pick-up, click the blue 'Details' button at the top of the Shipping page. Here is a picture for reference:
Local pick-up details, including date(s), time(s), and location(s) will be announced closer to when your items are ready in 2025.
If your items require any customization, you'll be asked to complete one or more customization survey(s). The following items will be customized:
Hockey Jersey
Sponsoring a Round in the Game Schedule
Sponsoring an Intermission in the Game Schedule
Your name on
PledgeManager also provides a limited time opportunity to Upgrade your pledge to a higher tier or Add-on more items to your pledge, if you wish.
What happens to the funds raised in PledgeManager?
Funds raised in PledgeManager will help cover costs associated with completing this project. For example, shipping fees will cover fulfillment costs, including packaging and shipping; while funds raised through pledge Upgrades and Add-ons will help with manufacturing costs.
When will I receive my Hockey Hardware PledgeManager invitation link?
It's already waiting for you in your inbox!
If you do not see it right away, please try searching 'Kickstarter', 'PledgeManager', 'FACE-OFF GAMES', or 'Hockey Hardware' or scan through your emails received on Friday, November 15. The email sender should be Kickstarter, and the email subject line should be, "FACE-OFF GAMES needs more information to fulfill your reward".
If none of these searches turn up any results, also check your spam/junk folder before reaching out.
Is there a deadline to complete my Hockey Hardware PledgeManager?
Yes. The deadline is Saturday, November 30, 2024 at 11:59pm EST. However, the sooner you can complete your PledgeManager, the better!
THANK YOU to everyone who has already done this.
If I have any questions or issues concerning the Hockey Hardware PledgeManager, who can help?
If you have any questions about PledgeManager after you receive your invitation link, please visit this FAQ page.
If you have any questions about Hockey Hardware or the Hockey Hardware Kickstarter campaign, please visit the 'Updates' tab on the Hockey Hardware Kickstarter page, reach out with a 'Comment' on the Kickstarter platform, or email I'll do my best to respond in a timely manner.